Age 13 and over
- Sign into your account in Officials Management System (OMS).
- Username should be the email address you used in the Game Officials system.
Password should be your last name all the CAPS.
- Click “Login”
- If you have any problems logging into the OMS system, please contact Cory Kramer at kukramer@everestkc.net.
- Once you Login, it will come to “Update Personal Information”,
Please make sure everything on this page is correct.
If you are under the age of 18, you will need to make sure you have a parent email included in your profile.
- Click “Submit Information Update”
- If you are over 18, you will receive a notice regarding the Member Background Check Notification for 2024.
Please click “Submit-I agree”
- Please answer all questions and click “Submit Request”
- This will bring up the classes that are available for you to sign up for.
- Select the clinic that you would like to take and choose “Reserve Clinic”. (Please Note: if you are both a futsal and an outdoor referee and you need to recertify for both, you can sign up and pay for both in this screen)
- Click on “Continue to Next Step”
- You should now be at the “Checkout to pay the Associated Fees”
Please note that there is both license and clinic fees that are required for recertification.
- Choose “Click here to Complete Requests and Pay fees”
- You can pay via credit card this year (preferred method). If you want to pay via check or money order, please contact Sean Overton at seanoverton@everestkc.net.
- From your “Home” page (upper left corner of the OMS page), complete the Online Lessons for the course you signed up for.
- If you are over 18, you will see a pink highlighted area that states:
“Your background check is waiting on your consent and SSN. Please click here to complete this”
Kansas is using the OMS system for background checks, you MUST do this piece for your 2024 badge.
- Sign into your US Soccer Learning Center account, using the same email in our OMS account, so the accounts can sync together.
- If those emails are not the same, please contact Cory Kramer at kukramer@everstkc.net. He can help get these to work together.
- Complete the Introduction to Safe and Healthy Environments
- If you are over 18, please verify your SafeSport is up to date.
- Once you have completed the futsal recertification you will be able referee thru December 31, 2024.
- Your 2024 Futsal badge will be mailed to your address in OMS.
The total cost for the futsal training is $70, this includes both a license fee and clinic fees.
It is highly recommended that you download or view the FUTSAL Laws of the Game from the Kansas Referee website to take the online test.
Continue to visit the Kansas Referee webpage for events, training, and soccer news across Kansas, as well as the rest of the Country.
Click on this link to start your recertification journey:
Officials Management System
Your Kansas Referee Developmental team wishes you success on the field of play.